Did Not Attend Policy


General Policy - All Did Not Attend appointments are automatically coded in your medical records as DNA's.

The practice will follow the steps as listed below for all patients who DNA an appointment. Please call the practice to explain if you have missed an appointment in error and we can reschedule the appointment for you. 

Warning letters are valid for a period of 12 months. Removal based on warnings greater than 12 months old will be invalid – in this case a further formal warning and period of grace will be given.

Contact 1 – An appointment text reminder or Letter 1 posted/emailed (Reception Team):

If a patient fails to attend a pre-booked appointment on one occasion without notifying the practice with adequate notice (minimum 2 hours); an information text is sent via AccuRx to remind patient of the importance of missed appointments. If no mobile number a letter is emailed or posted to the patient by reception.

Contact 2 – An appointment reminder Letter 2 (Practice Manager):

If the patient fails to attend a second appointment within a 12 month period, the named GP will be alerted as a safeguarding alert to ensure the patient is not in ‘patient at risk’ category and where the patient is at risk the practice will follow-up the reason for non-attendance to ensure the patient’s health care. If the patient is not at risk then a letter will be sent to remind the patient of the procedure that will follow if further appointments are not attended. The letter will also advise the patient that a further DNA within the year will result in a ban from booking appointments online or at the surgery in advance, the patient will be restricted to same day appointments only.

Contact 3 – A formal warning of possible removal from the practice list (Practice Manager):

If the patient does not attend three appointments in the same year a warning letter will be sent that a further DNA without reason may result in removal from the practice list

Contact 4 – A notification of removal from the Practice List (Practice Manager authorised by Senior Partner GP)

If the patient does not attend a 4th appointment the matter will be discussed at a Partners meeting and a majority agreement will be reached as to whether the patient will be removed from the practice list. In this case a formal warning letter to remove from the list will be issued by the Senior Partner GPs.