Tests and Results


See your test results online via the NHS App


Image of a doctor giving test results to a patient

Results of tests and investigations

If you need to telephone the surgery to check results, please ring between 2:30pm to 6pm when the telephone is less busy and the clerk has time to find out if the results are available.

Please wait approximately 3 days after undergoing any blood tests. We are not able to give your results to any person other than yourself unless they are for your child under 16.

For more information about what happens once your test at the surgery is completed please see our FAQ's below.

Blood Test Results

A blood test is when a sample of blood is taken for testing in a laboratory.

Find more information about blood tests

Once your test is completed it is your responsibility to receive your test results. The easiest way to do this is via the NHS App. All results can be seen on the NHS App and the GP Comments are visible. The practice will only contact you if the doctor involved in your care has requested a discussion with you. If you do wish to discuss your test or any ongoing symptoms please request a telephone appointment with the GP who ordered the test.

Understanding the test result comment made by your GP

  • Normal, take no action: The doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be within the normal range for the test.
  • Stable for this patient: The doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be close to the normal range for the test and the result is not concerning. Some patients have consistently out of range results that are ‘normal’ for them.
  • Abnormal, one-week telephone appointment to discuss with doctor: The doctor wishes to explain the result and/or further treatment or investigation(s) may be necessary.
  • Abnormal, routine telephone appointment within 28 days to discuss with doctor: The doctor would like to speak to you to explain the result(s) by telephone as detailed explanations and/or routine further treatment or investigation(s) may be necessary.
  • Patient to repeat test: This might be because the test is inconclusive or a slight change from previous results. A second test is necessary to compare – the doctor will enter free text when the test should be repeated.
  • Confirms infection: The doctor will enter free text to say whether you are on the correct treatment or if you need to collect a prescription.
  • Diabetes, routine diabetic review with Nurse: Please make an appointment to review your diabetes with our practice nurse.
  • Specimen unusable patient to repeat test: Unfortunately very occasionally samples are unusable and the patient will need to repeat the test. Please call reception to make a repeat appointment or provide a new sample.

Tests and Results FAQ's

I have had a blood or other test. What happens now?

The tests are taken to Maidstone or Tunbridge Wells Hospital by a courier each morning where they are processed. The results are returned electronically to the surgery. When the results arrive at the surgery they are all reviewed and abnormal results are commented on by a doctor. You will be able to get the results for most tests five days after the tests were done. Some specialist tests, eg coeliac screen, may take several weeks. The clinician who asked you to have the tests will tell you approximately how long it will take to get the results. 

How do I get the results?

It is your responsibility to phone or use your online patient account to receive your test results.

As we receive several hundred results each day it is not possible for each individual to be contacted for results that have been viewed by the doctor and commented as normal or satisfactory no action needed. You can log into your patient access online account or telephone the surgery after 2pm to speak to a receptionist who will tell you the result and what the doctor has commented. 

What if the results are normal?

If the results are normal but you still feel unwell or have the same problem that you originally saw the doctor for then please make a follow up appointment with the same doctor if possible.

What if there is an abnormal result?

If a doctor wants to speak to you about the result but it is not urgent then they will ask reception to call you and arrange a routine appointment with the doctor. A routine appointment is within 28 days. You may have to wait for this appointment but try not to worry as the doctor does not feel that there is an urgent problem. Please try to make this appointment with the doctor who organised the test, although any of our doctors will be happy to discuss your test results with you.

If the result is slightly abnormal then we may just need to repeat the test. The receptionist will call you and tell you when to book a repeat test.

If there is an urgent problem that needs immediate action then the surgery will contact you. Please make sure that your contact details are kept up to date with the surgery. 

Can the receptionist give me information about why the result is abnormal?

The receptionists are not clinically trained and are only able to tell you the comment that the doctor has made. If you need to discuss anything further then please make a follow up telephone appointment with the doctor who arranged the test.

I need a printed copy of the result?

Once the doctor has commented on the result you are able to collect a copy of the result from reception. The results can be detailed and complex. If you think you would find this alarming, you could wait until your appointment with the doctor who would be happy to discuss the result and give you a copy at this point.

Occasionally a result is reported as “normal” but the printout suggests that they are not normal. In this case the doctor will have looked at your results and decided that they are normal or satisfactory for you and nothing to worry about and the doctor will have commented no action required.

Can I book a blood test without speaking to a doctor?

Some conditions require patients to have regular blood tests. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure even if well controlled on medication)
  • Thyroid disease
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Prostate cancer
  • Certain medications eg those used for rheumatological diseases

If you have previously been told that you need to have regular or routine blood tests by a doctor or nurse then you can book it directly with a receptionist. Otherwise please make sure that you have seen a doctor before booking a blood test so that they can arrange the most appropriate tests for you.

When booking either your regular blood test or when booking a blood test requested by the doctor please tell the receptionist which doctor requested you to book the test and when and why the test is requested.

If you would like to access your blood results please download the NHS App or complete an online access form.